Post Medical Starbucks Deliciousness

Post Medical Starbucks Deliciousness

Post Medical Starbucks Deliciousness

When I was young and had to go to the doctor or dentist, my mom and I would always go out to eat afterward. Usually to somewhere like The Souplantation (a soup/salad bar) which to a child is a smorgasbord of deliciousness. My young mind began to associate the idea of medical stuff with a treat.

Now, even in my 30s, I still want a treat after any blood test or doctor’s appointment. I was brave and earned it; at least that is what I tell myself.

When I learned that it was time to get on the kidney transplant list, I drove straight to the cupcake shop. I got one peach and one strawberry. I allowed myself to be in a cranky sugar coma for the evening. The next morning, I pulled it back together, got healthy and re-focused.


My most recent trip to the laboratory was in the morning and my car just happened to drive into Starbucks afterward. Here’s what I almost always order…if I am treating myself:

  • Half-Caf Soy Latte
  • Extra Hot – I get annoyed when my drink cools down before I’m done.
  • One pump of syrup (vanilla in the spring/summer, pumpkin spice in the fall, gingerbread in the winer).

Starbucks uses vanilla soy milk which is already a bit sweet. More than one pump is way too much. I know it isn’t the best think I could be drinking, but sometimes it is okay to lick your wounds with a bit of extra sugar.


Enjoying Starbucks with Phillip a few years back in Seattle.

I’ll write about my internal caffeine controversy soon.

What’s your favorite post-medical-stuff treat?