I Am Not My Body

I Am Not My Body

I Am Not My Body

I Am Not My BodyI am not my body

I am not confined by my skin or defined by a diagnosis

I am not a state of mind: tired, frustrated, lost

I am not a thought, positive or negative, hopeful or worried, sure or confused

I am not an emotion, not turbulent or calm

I am behind that, bigger than that, around that, through that

A  drop of blue tossed up by a wave

A  leaf clinging to a branch twisting in the wind

Stars marching through the night

Clouds shaped like the circus

The whole of it and none of it, so many and so few

I know for sure

I am not my body


A few years ago, I started a mantra. I was having some pain in my kidney and each time I felt the odd ping just behind my ribs on the right, I would silently repeat: That is not the truth of me.

I knew that I was more than my body and some single pain. It is so easy to identify with a diagnosis, symptom or treatment plan. Since, they can take over your life, it can be hard to remember that you are anything outside of your health. But you are, absolutely.

You are something deeper and more magnificent than we can even begin to imagine. The truth of you is mystical, spiritual, divine. Your truth is so much more than your body.

Your body can change, get better, get worse, remission, relapse. However, there is something constant about your being that is outside of all of that. The waves can crash on the surface, but you are the depths of the ocean, pure peace.

You are not your body.

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